Sunday, September 28, 2008

wicked reading journal six

Wicked:the life and times of the wicked witch of the west is a book my causion gave me about three years ago and i have read it and not. it is truly easy but difficult read and i had never read the whole thing but i am detirmed to read all of it this time. i love this book and have ameditly gotten back into it all over agian

This book takes you away from Dorthy's perspective and shows you the life of the wicked witch of the west aka Elphaba Throp and makes her a brilliant anti hero who you want to root for. Dorothy begins to become the wicked. I love the musical version of wicked and its odd because the wizard of oz is one of my all time favorite movies but now I am totally on wicked side.

If they made of movie of the novel or musical I would go seek it. It has everything from the universal story of acceptance and never giving up, combined with politics, class issues, love, the nature of good and evil. even though you know were its heading its completely fresh.

On a side note though I would love to see a movie version made it would not be the same because it would be missing the one thing that makes it such a classic or should I say one song.

Some were over the rainbow!

Monday, September 22, 2008

black like me reading journal five

I have just finished Black Like Me and I would like to start off by saying that I completely recomend this book. It was one of those books that keept you intruiged and went to unexpected places. I went tell you much about thw whole book because I would want to you to be suprised but I will tell you what I took away from the book. It realy puts into prespective how twisted and off base were the racial asumptions of african american by white people. I am so glad to say that we realy have come far. I do belive we have much father to go but i think that were making progress. I think one way this progress is going to contie is when we create history by putting obama in office.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

black liike me reading journal four

Hi. I have just started reading a new book called Black Like Me a work of nonfiction by John Howard Griffin. I really am enjoying this book especially because like breaking through it flows like a fictional novel instead of a work of nonfiction. This book really has away of getting you absorbed in. Its about a young rich white man who trades in his life of privilege for the existence as a poor African American in the deep south of the nineteen fifties when the race line was clearly show and dived states like Louisiana,Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama.

What would it be like to be anther race? What would it be like to be hated for the color of ones skin? These are thew question John griffin asks himself as he changes his skin color and gives up his cushy life to answer these questions . I am thinking to myself if I commended him on his bravery or find it odd and do not like it. I mean I think we all have maybe thought these questions and tried to understand racism but would we ever really go that far.

My awnser is that I probably would do something like that if for some reason the opportunity presented itself because I am sure it would be one of those life altering experiences you get have every now and then in your life. To be onest even though I would probably do it I also find both brave and distasteful somewhat at the same time.

But like most things involving controversial acts we continue to watch because were hooked and cant help it. I am hooked on this book and cant help it so i am going to keep reading!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

breaking through..reading journal two

Hi. Warning:do not read unless you have read the end of the book!

I just got my copy of reading through yesterday and I started reading the moment I got and now one day later I am done with it. one of the things that I loved about this book was that even though its non fiction it reads like I had been scammed. I wanted two no the end of his story and then it occurred to me that this was just the end of his young adulthood and it got me thinking to myself about when I get older and I look back and if the life I am living right now will be something I back on with a smile or with a frown.

His story is really inspiring to me because its like a wake up call. By this I mean that lately when I think about how things are going and my life and I feel sad I give myself a slap on the head and think "stop complaining because at least your life doesn't include a chapter about I include in it. I wrote a mini memoir last year that is some of best writing and I am thinking about posting it along with a play I wrote that is in a contest as we speak based on my memoir.

In the end I am taking away two main things from Breaking Through. One is that we all have stories, including me, and that you should always tell yours because if not its a dishonor to yourself. The second is that my perspective on immigration has been altered because i used to think that it did not apply to me and it doesn't but if it did I would want the chance of a new life regardless if I had the papers and how could I deny me or any one else what I would not want myself to be denied. Bottom line, people deserve happiness and freedom regardless of what rules need to be broken but perhaps they would not have to if we as human beings would just
mend them.

PS. This book was awesome

Monday, September 1, 2008


I loved my first week at high tech high. I know that some people are still trying to figure out of it for them but i am definitely not one of those people. I love the feel of the school and by that i mean that it has a "wicked" (as ted would say) ambiance. I feel like whatever i am going to do at this school wil be out side of the box and i love that because thats what i am all about. my only comlpiant is that people are realy quiet but it is only the first week of school.


Charpters one through six of breaking through have realy been somthing specail. I realy an not enjoying this book in the best way possible. By this i mean that i never thought i couyld realate to this book because its about imagration and i personly have had no experience with it. i was wrong. The part that got me was when him and his family were separated and he and his brother must live on there own. to be told that just because you dont have papers the home you have lived infor ten years is not your home and then not being able to have your family to cop with. that not only maid my feel for the character but it scared me. i dont no what i do without my family. I rember when i use to have to go to the hospital all the time and leave the comfort of my homeand trade it in for the cold hard reality of hospital bed. the only thing that got through it was my family.

breaking through has got me hooked and i cant wait what chapters eight and on will hold.