Sunday, April 26, 2009

revolution on canvas

quote: its my last day alive

question: why on eartth would any one think this "indie" thing is cool

comment: my freid catlin recently gave this book of poetry form the indie music scene called revoltion on canvass. i love petry and some of it was good but the whole thing realy wanted to make me shoot myself afterwards. i also hate labels. and i constantly hear people say things like there trying to be so indie. people our who they our and we should try to label them justs o we feel better about ourselves. i think its funny how someone can be labeld as indie when music is such a connecting force in the world yet we try to like only one kind all the time. be who you our, live you life, and to the people who wrote this poetry i found it good but i think that it was realy depressing and that bad things happen all the time but its what you make of them. so inted of just being misrible move on!

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