Sunday, March 29, 2009

atonement-reading journal-love

Quote: "I'll wait for you. Come back."

Comment: how is it that six words can substian two people over a lifetime

Comment: In the novel Atonement by IAN MCEWAN six words do just that for Cecilia and Robbie, two star cross lovers torn apart by the innocent perspective of a child's imagination or by a young sister jealously. That's up for the reader to decided. but six words can be like life lines if they our words powered by love. Love is just like that. People live for allot of things and different things make different people happy but it seems to me that if loving and love were everyone driving motivation the world might just be a batter place

Sunday, March 22, 2009

reading journal-attonment

quote: "But hidden drawers, lockable diaries and cryptographic systems could not conceal from Briony the simple truth: she had no secrets.

question: why is it for some that a world of Oder is not enough. why the need to disturb the piece.

comment: i really do ask this for myself simply because i do not have the awns er for it. i belive sometimes it is easy to dismiss were not happy with our lives when there are things to hid. when were still not happy and there is no reason to frown that is when we star rt to wonder what is wrong with us. but is wrong to not settle for simplicity. is it OK to thrive in chaos?

Monday, March 16, 2009

reading journal-revoltion on canvas

quote: its a painful mistake on her part, to try and become someone just because that someone may be happier

question: what does this mean to me

comment: reason I like this quote so much is because it is so true. I often feel like it might be better just to be someone more happy with there place in the world only, as I often say there is no point in even trying to be someone your not because its simply obvious. So I guess the real question is what makes "them" happy and us "others" not happy. How do we fix it! We don't!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

the mircle worker

quote "Water"

qusetion: how can one word have so much impact.

comment; in the miricle worker anne is a teacher who attempts to tech hellen a death, blind, and mute littlegirl how to cumincate with the world around her. anne wants to teach her to actualy know whats around her. her family just wants her to behave. she thoughs wild tantrums because she cant uderstand and no one understands her. they come so far and she noe behaves well so the family wants hellen back. on there last night together hellen finaly comuicates-the word is water and this is her break through.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


quote: her tongue curled easily behind my teeth, and her words melted between my lips
"my Friends call me Bree"

question: why is it we seem to fear that person inside us that has no rules or limitations. What so scary about actually being yourself and doing what you want, what you need, what you crave, what makes you happy in the way only you understand."

comment: i feel like the me that hidden is the me most people show. i think i am mire afraid of that person. the person i have never met. that Innocent little thing who believes one day they will catch falling stars. crank is a really good book. i think at some point we all are faced with are own version of "the monster" its how we deal with it.