Sunday, February 22, 2009


quote: "There was much pleasure in caring for her. She forgot her five years of mortal life at once, or so it seemed, for she was mysteriously quiet."

Question: Why is that children can see past the messy human emotions of life, when there young, and just play?

Comments: To understand what I mean by this you must know what happened in that story. Louis was going to leave Lestat so Lestat gave him something to nurture and care for by turning a little girl into a vampire, she is only five. She does not have any of these feelings about what it means to take a human life like Louis does but savers it like Lestat. Why is that Claudia-the child- can just forget what it means to be human?!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Interview with the Vampire

The quote: "I knew peace only when I killed, only for that minute: and there was no question in my mind that the killing of anything else less then human being brought nothing but a vague longing, the discontent which had brought me so close to humans, to watch there lives through glass."

The question: " Why does Louis feel this way why Lestat feels nothing?

Comments: Vampires, these people of the night that "we" seem to chase after. The vampire is creature all of desire and no restrictions. So why is it that Anne Rice makes Louis so week, so human. Lestat is the exact opposite. Louis we collect to on a human Level but lestat is the true object of affection because he doesn't have that little voice in the back of our head telling us that what makes is happy is wrong. Is doing what makes you happy wrong. When i first thought of it the book almost seems not to be saying that life as a vampire is a curse but rather human empathy is but if you really think about it. I believe she is saying that the ability to not be selfish is the great es human trait. To me though is living a true life living a unhappy one. Maybe Lestat though in terms the stories villain is simply the only one being truthful. He does what is his nature and is diffing our nature, our happiness to live a life of regret, need of redemption and comforimty really whats best. I the best for the world.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

interview with the vampire- qqc reading journal

quote: "most of us would much rather see somebody die than be the object of rudeness under our roofs"

question: What does the Vampire mean by this.

comment: I think in the vampires nature death is accustom. I think death is accustom to all are nature. we all most die one day but does the time we spend living need to be spent demeaning each other. The vampire Lestant is a kind of monster but a polite one. He may need to feed on blood to survive but he is always nice to those he kills in there last hour. At first I did not really understand this but just because he is this blood sucking immortal radiant being does not mean he needs to be mean in every way. With in the most vicious of me is a streak of a kind child.

I absoultltly recommend interview with the vampire.
Forget about Stephine Myer if you want a real writer and a great vampire story at its best the original queen of the vampire chronicles and rice is the way to go.