Wednesday, January 28, 2009

reading journal seventeen

In the Count of Monte Cristo the quote "He sat on the edge of the bed and became a prey to deep and bitter melancholy." What does this mean and how did he even get hear in the first place. I think melancholy is, well, ahhhhhhhh! I want to say he feel into to some deep sobering despair of "quite" emotions. This whole book is about the nature of revenge and ones man journey to obtain it. What happened to him was sad He was locked up in a island prison to never be seen again, on his weding day no less, but I cant help but think that to life your life full of anger a resentment is about the same as living no life at all. but at the same time I cant say I would be that wiling to forgive. What about you, could you forgive the worst thing that was ever done t you and live as if nothing happened?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

1st qqc- reading journal


quote: that the televisions coversations promote incoherance and trivialty: that the phrase "serious television" is a contidiction in terms: and that television speakes on only one persistant voive-the voice of entertianment.

question: why is neil postoman have problems with televsion?

comment: i think that the author has a very jaded prespective on televsion-telvsion media that is really the exact aditude that makes "me and my fellow advertisers" have truble. i think that there so many wonderful things about televion how it can take you to such emotinal places. i do think it needs to be in moderation and it dependes on what you watch but there is such thing as "serious television" and there is deffinatley such thing as "GREAT" televsion. i could debate alot more about htis but and go deper into my opion but i will just say that i think that when your down and it seemes like there is nothing you can do to make you happy watching one of my favorite shows can sometimes help you deal with that and if there is something wrong about acsionaly letting your mind go to differnt places and worlds the smack the cuffs on me and charge me but i think neil postman ideas are not ones we should belive plus. add people know what there donig. we know who were minulating-"so to speak" and what we trying to seel and the brand culture we are trying to create!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It’s funny how the word media is such a conundrum. Think about it on one hand there is the whole media is what you watch-so be careful what you expose yourself to. But then that’s it Media-the press-freedom of the press. Is Media the press though? Because today we said it was labels. Are we blind by the Media from the truth of our world? Has the Media become the truth of the world? Or is the whole thing over the top? Its true subliminal messages can be dangerous but they can be good. Today we agreed on is that Media is a way to communicate through technology. But that’s the thing. Sure the computer passed the message but it came from a person, me or you. Or the news might come from the TV, or a book or news paper might be made by a printing press but a person is reporting or wrote the story. Maybe the problem is that we say the media comes from technology but the truth is that the tools we get information from are the people working the machines, these wise men of thought. But maybe to that fact is why the media is dangerous in the first place because just like people everyone had a agenda weather they know it or not. But is that bad or is it life? Is media bad or is it knowledge. What is media? Maybe the point is to not know it and by not being aware that the media is around you good or bad. You see does it affect you when you see its there and that’s all you see or is everything you see and don’t realize is media bad. Or is media simply the person creativity inner into a design for the rest of the world to see. Is being under the infulnce of the media bad? Or is all media so there’s no difference. Is it like the movie today is media blinding us from the truth or is media simply the truth we have yet to except but most of all is there truth to the deal of over analyzing. Is it only affecting us because we are letting it? Are you above the media?
It’s funny how the word media is such a conundrum. Think about it on one hand there is the whole media is what you watch-so be careful what you expose yourself to. But then that’s it Media-the press-freedom of the press. Is Media the press though? Because today we said it was labels. Are we blind by the Media from the truth of our world? Has the Media become the truth of the world? Or is the whole thing over the top? Its true subliminal messages can be dangerous but they can be good. Today we agreed on is that Media is a way to communicate through technology. But that’s the thing. Sure the computer passed the message but it came from a person, me or you. Or the news might come from the TV, or a book or news paper might be made by a printing press but a person is reporting or wrote the story. Maybe the problem is that we say the media comes from technology but the truth is that the tools we get information from are the people working the machines, these wise men of thought. But maybe to that fact is why the media is dangerous in the first place because just like people everyone had a agenda weather they know it or not. But is that bad or is it life? Is media bad or is it knowledge. What is media? Maybe the point is to not know it and by not being aware that the media is around you good or bad. You see does it affect you when you see its there and that’s all you see or is everything you see and don’t realize is media bad. Or is media simply the person creativity inner into a design for the rest of the world to see. Is being under the infulnce of the media bad? Or is all media so there’s no difference. Is it like the movie today is media blinding us from the truth or is media simply the truth we have yet to except but most of all is there truth to the deal of over analyzing. Is it only affecting us because we are letting it? Are you above the media?

Monday, January 19, 2009

last reading jounral of semester one-i think

so i could not really find anthying to read that i liked but i did read a book called wait intill dark. i was good like twilght was good vampire love story but vampire stories at there best s in the hands of ann rice(iterview with the vampire). any way this book is about a girl who can read minds who falls for a vampire in a world were vampires and humans co-exsits because of the creation of a sinthetic blood called true blood. dont get me wrong it was a good book and the lead charcters bill and sookie are a great romance but even greater in the hands of allen ball(american beauty, six feet under) the hbo creatoer of true blood. what the acotrs bring to the charcter make it a hoter romance and more complex performances. the show isnt for the squemish or the type that cant handle movies like juno. it is a hbo show after all but if you are in to the whole vampre craz statred by twilight her is a actualy good screen version of a vampire human romance. twilght a better book then wait intill dark-sort of. hobs tue blood a ten times better screen(tv) adaption the twilght was a movie. what i am saying is i much enjoy seening the show then then book but mabye thats why you read the book first.


so glad POLs are over

Sunday, January 11, 2009

reading journal

hi-long time since i have done this. so i read to books over break and they were THE ROAD and THE CURIOUS CASE OF BEN BUTTON and i will talk to you about the second one. i actually like the adaption more then their classic short stroy but the movie is more of toaltal re-write. a re-write of a total master who wrote the great gasbty and the last tycoon. some of my favorties but his writing is so distinct and is more meant to be read then saw. his is the master of the jazz age period andi wont even try to explain his Style you just have to read it(read his best the great gastby). his version of ben button has more to do with issues of class among other things-this is a coman traie he write bout but he also writes about domed loves very often then not. i highly recommend the short story because its this author who just writes magic with every word and because if you read thE book it will give you a better admiration fro the ambition and interesting place the movie was token and expanded to. the movie is a must see. so see it if you haven't. defiantly in my top five movies of the whole year long but worth it!
