Monday, November 17, 2008

every color of the rainbow is a enegy source

A world of rainbow energy. That would be so awesome. It would be like everything got its power form skittles. Then you eat one and your like on a totally color meltdown. Apparently this is possible. IDK what else is there two say!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

reading journal-twilight agian

Seeing that the movie is coming out next week and me and my Friends totally plan on seeing it primmer night I felt it fitting to read the book again before the movie came out. A sort of re-fresher course. I will say this it is defiantly not the best book of the serious that showcase her tilted as a writer but it is still very good because its the first time you meet Edward and Bella. Its the first time you see her fall into this unforgettable place were her life is taking her. You go there with her because you don't understand completely just as she do sent. I will say that i cant wait to see the movie because they took a risk in casting and got some talented young people that will actually bring depth to these characters rather then a more Hollywood young actor and actress would do. This is a girl who is just being swept away into a place she doesn't understand and just as much as its a thrill she is such a watcher and paranoid that she is surprising herself. To me picking Kristian Stewart (panic room, and into the wild) was a great choice because she has the ability to say so little with just her face and is so interpersonal. Stewart has a quite intensity that's prefect for the role and Paterson is really a intense actor too. I mean i know this is just a vampire love story and all but i think someone else would of left out the part that this is a guy who is going to be forever 17 and i think that if i was a vampire it would be both amazing and scary. I will say that i think the movie form the trailer looks very cinematic but still a faithful adaption and though i am sure it wont please everybody i hope its a hit and i cant wait to see it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

on the road-reading journal

I can say much about this book quite yet because i just started it and its been hard to get into it becuase i was reading like three books but this book called out to me and for the time being i put the other books aside. the book is about a wannabe writer who gets himself mixed up with a road man because he is seeking something but he doesnt really know what it is. to me it seems like it might end up being like easy rider or five easy pices. i wander if ther was a movie made about this book.

p.s five easy pieces is a great movie

Monday, November 3, 2008

a clockwork orange- Mcain vsOBAMA-reading journal

I just finished the book a clockwork orange and seeing that the presidential elections are tommarow theres a point that the book made to me that I think is something to consider when voiting(It sucks we cant vote but if your fourteen right now you can vote in the next election). The central themes of A Clockwork Orange our about how the world sees violence, there about redembtion but at what coast, there about choice, and eveb about the nature of good and evi, and human nature. Alex the central character of A Clockwork orange rapes a young woman in front of her husband, beets up a man for having a dirty book. Him and his gang of young holigins-with there strange made yp street talk and there lack of any censhership or conciance when it comes to volince-ther the reason we should be afraid to go to bed at night in this nightmarish futristic london. Eventualy the point of the story comes into paly when Alex goes to a clinc to get reabiltate by "the good guys" and even worse things that when he has done is done to him. We feel for him because he is both the por-and-an-tagonist of the story.

That beggs the question of can you do evil for the greater good. Does the means justify the coast. Is Alex a monster or is that we just never tried to understant him and mabye what we consider bad is simply what we dont yet understand.

I think that most immportantly Alex in the end even after beining re-ablitated comes back to his true nature he is beining true to ghimself and in a way its as if you have washed away all the bad you have done. you have reached a form of immortalty when you are able to let your true nature out into the open.

So my family is havinmg a party on tuesday to whatch the elction and all i can say is that in the world we live in A Clockwork orange has some resodainte messages. Is there a differance between good and evil or is evil simply what we dont fully yet uderstant-thats why i think in ahunted house the dark is scary cause you cant see. but most immportantly are we right hold back our true nature which somehow gets me to the point that when you vote you should think about these things. also vote or shut up. aslo i hope obama wins!