Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Maya Angelou said, "Living life as art requires a readiness to forgive." -WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THIS MEAN I WONDER! In my opinion the world is art and we our both a the canvas and the artist. We our the worlds canvas. The world is our canvas. And both the world and us our the paintings of something greater hats just there. I guess that the whole world is like one giant, wild, out of control Picasso and we all make up the different colors i its arsenal. But at the same time we live our lives and with every breath and laugh and cry its as we have picked up a paint brush and messed it up. But not in bad way, its more of a perfect- messy then a bad-messy-there is such a thing you know. So I guess the quote could mean allot of things and i think that specifically it is addressed to the way you live your life and that it is a art form to live a happy one but I think that live is art and loving is art and were all artist weather we believe it or not! But i think what she is saying is that to live a happy life you have to accept yourself as both a artist and piece of art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S I should blog more about random thoughts more often and I really recommend Maya Angelo's memoir "I KNOW WHY THE CADGE BIRD SINGS" Its BOMB DIGITY!

Monday, October 27, 2008

reading journal ten a clockwork orange

over the weekend i started reading a clockwork orange and its really nightmarish and Trippe. its about this gang in a unseating future that prowls around at night vandalising and stealing. its relay crazy what this writer does with language because he the gang has there own special words that even though they dont make sense that do and there a powerful story telling device. i can see why they say the book has a way of glorifying viol once and i relay want to see the Stanley Kubrick movie version.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

reading journal nine Running with Sisores

have you ever read a book that you got so into it you stayed up and read it all night to you finish it. thats what happed with ruing with sisores. it is the sort of book that is specific to people that get the humor that comes from total cahos, family traum, mindblowingly inoprprite jokes, and the humor of the quite and narsistic obsrevere. it is real one of the best meniors i have ever read and thpugh this is going to sound odd the more crazy. over the top, and disturbing the life of augestine gets the more fun it is to read. i guess the other thing to me is in some exretrmly odd way i toataly get him and can connect with him and i am not sure if thats a good or bad thing. i guess you would say that i know what its like to be running with sisores and as much as you keep faling and cutting yourself there is something comforting and homey about. i could go on forever but basically this book rocked my mind, world, and realy made me luagh out loud at the same time it also had me saying wtf and crying. it on hell of a book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

reading journal eight runing with sisores

hi. sorry this one is late but just so you know this is for last sunday OCTOBER 12. My computer was down. any way the day we went on the collage trip me and kit-kat bought the same book without thinking that we could of shared it.(opps!) In any case the book is caled Running With Sisores and i have jsut started reading it and i already know that i am realy going to get into it. Its exttremly tripty and i have only read the first two chapterts but already you can see the disfuction. i cant wait to read more!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

wicked reading journal seven

Is the person that I am how I would like to be rember? These are the exact queston I that the book wicked proposes at the very for me is so end of the book. The witch is dead but did her life mean anything. Did her death finaly bring her vicktory or was it her final defete. That is why wicked is so conected to this project.

Thats realy the oltimate question is the life that we want more then anthing the life that we live. If you live your life the way you like is it the way you want to be remebered. Is are death the end oltimatly the beginnig.????????????????????????????????????????????